Have you ever wondered how cool it would be if you could get your hands on one of those screen less and holographic displays, as seen in the Iron Man saga or the Avengers? Then wonder no more, as this piece of technology already came into existence. According to MIT’s latest technology review, screen less displays are one of the biggest technology breakthroughs; give it a few more years, and this will be readily available to you! The main purpose of this type of display is to transmit information to the user without the aid of a screen or a projector.
There are three types of screen less displays available at the time being:
- Visual Image Screen less Display: an example of this would be holograms. These are any screen less images that the eye can see.
- · Retinal Direct Display: this is when images are directly projected in the retina of the eye. Images appear to be floating in space to the user.
- · Synaptic Interface: one step ahead of retinal direct display method. Information is directly transmitted to the brain, instead of projecting it to the eyes.

However, it also has its disadvantages and the main one of
now would be that, this technology of the future, won’t be cheap!
I Like to add one more important thing here, The screenless display market is expected to reach more than USD 6000 Million by 2026 at a CAGR of 31.45% in given forecast period.